Coral UCS handles various communication functions, including phone calls, voicemails, messages, and faxes. CORAL UCS provides notifications for different events such as missed calls, voicemails, messages, faxes, etc.
A voicemail function typically refers to the system feature that allows callers to leave a recorded message when the person they are trying to reach is unavailable. Voicemail systems are commonly found in both personal and business phone systems. Coral’s platform all allow voice mails to be left for 4G 5G mobiles in the private network.

Audio Conferencing Solution
An audio conferencing bridge is a technology that enables multiple participants to join a single telephone call, creating a virtual meeting room for audio communication. The bridge acts as a central hub that connects all the incoming calls and manages the audio streams, allowing participants to hear and speak with one another seamlessly.
Video Conferencing
High Definition voice conferencing for each user of the system. Video streaming, multicasting & mixing technologies are used to deliver a rich unified communication experience. System functionality can be used to deliver lectures or can intelligently transmit video of the speaker to all participants from a video enabled endpoint. Voice recording of conference calls and forwarding the same to predefined mailbox is a standard feature of this suit. RTCP based dynamic conference controls with option to invite, mute or isolate certain participants is available. Personal Conference Bridge with personal chat room options provides a versatile conferencing tool. System provides for auto-escalation from conference chat room to audio conference. System can be integrated for booking of conference rooms along with solutions to charge for such services. Coral conference suits can integrate IVR solution to announce entry & exit of participants.

Broadcast Messages
Unified communication (UC) system integrates various communication methods such as voice, video, messaging, and collaboration tools into a single, cohesive platform. Broadcast messages in UC systems are essential for delivering information to a large audience simultaneously. Broadcast messages are communications sent to all or a large group of users within a UC system. These can include announcements, alerts, or important updates.
Click to Call
The “click-to-call” feature in unified communication systems (UCS) enables users to initiate a phone call with a single click from within a digital interface, such as a web page, email, or customer relationship management (CRM) system. Click-to-call allows users to initiate a voice call by clicking on a hyperlink, button, or icon within a digital environment. This eliminates the need to manually dial phone numbers, streamlining the calling process.

Unified Communication (UC) is an integrated platform that consolidates various communication tools and services, enhancing collaboration and productivity within organizations. One of the critical components of UC is “presence.” Presence is a pivotal element in UC, enabling seamless and efficient communication by providing real-time visibility into user availability and status.